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Wealth Spectrum Test – Singapore

What’s the Color of Your Wealth?

Have you ever wondered why other people become wealthy so easily and you do not, despite having the same backgrounds and opportunities? Clearly, the idea that creating and building wealth is dependent on luck, fate or circumstances may sound true given this scenario. However, achieving the wealth that you deserve really is not about that. It is about taking steps of important changes in your life.

You are here because you already have taken the first step of understanding “who you are” with the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test and how you can use that to your greater advantage in positioning it with your wealth path of least resistance. You may think that is enough for you to head on out and earn the wealth that you set off to achieve. More often we are bombarded with a lot of wealth and financial advice, which sounds a little bit conflicting on our part.

What is Wealth Spectrum Test?

The Wealth Spectrum Test is developed by the same creator of the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test, Mr. Roger Hamilton. The test provides you with an influential understanding of your personal path to your wealth and expands your vision of what is possible. Apart from simply identifying where you are in your wealth map, it opens up solutions to give your place an added value by allowing you to move up from your current position to another. Please watch the video below.

It will only take 10 minutes of your time to answer the multiple-choice questions that are a representation of where you exactly are in the wealth map. The results that you will get after taking the test will astound you, as the test has a 95% accuracy. The Wealth Spectrum Test is not all about knowing where you are. But more importantly, it gives you the precise information of your wealth level and the necessary steps that you need to take.

Your full Wealth Spectrum Test result will let you in on which prism level and wealth level you are currently in. You will be provided with a clear insight on why you are stuck in that level and will give you 3 clear direction steps that you need to take to move on up to the next level. I have mentioned earlier that the Wealth Spectrum Test is an excellent complement to the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test. Your result in this test will be cross-referenced with your wealth personality profile and provide you with different strategies fitted with your profile.

During your NLP training, you will be given resources on mentors to follow, what books to read and sites to visit. This will help you eliminate time, effort and strategies that are not working for you. You will also have the clarity to see and grab the right opportunities presented to you at the very right moment.

The Wealth Spectrum Colors

This is the same thing with The Wealth Spectrum Test. It uses the prism spectrum colors to identify which level you are currently at. However, unlike the traditional rainbow that we know of, which has seven colors, the Wealth Spectrum, on the other hand, has nine wealth colors. It is divided into three prism levels with three spectrum colors in each level. Please see the illustration below. Wealth Spectrum Test

The Foundation Spectrum

This prism level makes up the first three levels of wealth. These are related to the mastery and understanding of your personal flow. You must overcome these levels to be able to find the same flow in your enterprise and investments.

  • First Level: Infrared (The Victim). “I go deeper and deeper in debt every month.”
  • Second Level: Red (The Survivor). “I have just enough money to survive every month.”
  • Third Level: Orange (The Worker). “I earn a living.”

The Enterprise Prism

This prism level makes up the second three levels of wealth. Which are related to the mastery of the enterprise and investment flows. If you are one of those who are considering putting up a business or a self-employed looking for resources and how to invest effectively, the solutions and next steps can be found within this wealth prism.

  • Fourth Level: Yellow (The Player). “I love what I do and create flow through myself.”
  • Fifth Level: Green (The Performer). “I love what I do and lead my team to flow.”
  • Sixth Level: Blue (The Conductor). “I have multiple teams and multiple streams.”

The Alchemy Prism

The last prism level makes up the remaining three levels of wealth. When you are within these levels, you understand and set the rules of the game. If you do not think you can reach this level, well, think again. If you master the steps you need to take from one level to another, you could definitely achieve this wealth level.

  • Seventh Level: Indigo (The Trustee). “I am a trusted guardian of the flow.”
  • Eight Level: Violet (The Conductor). “I create and control the rules of the game.”
  • Ninth Level: Ultraviolet (The Legend). “I am a universal symbol of transformation.”

Take the Wealth Spectrum Test

I advise that you take the test not just for the sake of knowing your spectrum level, but take the test to help you get your wealth path on the right track. You are here not just to simply know, but you are here because you want to be guided for you to be able to achieve your wealth potential.

ACME Achievers is led by one of Singapore’s Certified NLP Training provider, Jacky Lim. We offer several courses and training programs prepared for anyone who is determined to reach their goals and earn success both in their personal life and career. We offer workshops for sales, public speaking, NLP practitioner, and Master practitioner certifications. You can also take advantage of our Online NLP Coaching and Free Fast Track Courses! Subsidies available for Sales Training and Courses provided by Jacky Lim/ACME Achievers. Learn more of this amazing benefit and call (+65) 9822 7132 today.

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