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Will Your Age Give You an Edge?

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Photo credit: aiesecgermany via Foter.com / CC BY-ND

Does being older really give you an advantage in achieving success? One can also ask this about maturity. Do more years equate with being better than younger individuals, or does edge take you way ahead? You might be surprised to know that bein older doesn't always mean you are better.

This takes us to an old Catalan  proverb which said, "Wisdom goes not always by years."

In any career you might have, or in any situation which requires you to excel, you should not simply rest on your laurels if you want to succeed. What would take you further, and maybe even rise above your peers or seniors, is your edge.

In this video, Jacky Lim explains how your EDGE can put you ahead of your competition and not your AGE. He shares that the most important question is "what are you able to contribute?" or "what are you able to provide," and not "how old are you?"

This is a very relatable video for those who are fresh out of college, or those who might be in the twilight years of their career.

Learn how you can gain an edge even when it seems all the odds are against you. Sign up for our courses today and let's take the next step towards that EDGE!

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