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How NLP Can Lead You Towards Your Path to Wealth Success

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What is the measure of success? For a lot of people, financial success is their ultimate benchmark. To some extent, some even equate success with money. After all, having stable financial resources means that you can live life comfortably and on your own terms. But a lot dispute this by saying that money is not and should never be the measure of success. You should take higher importance on the relationships you build with other people and even the difference that you make in other’s life as true measures of success.

Now, I understand that you may feel a little bit of guilt to admit that you consider financial wealth as one of your measures of success. But don’t be. I found this really relevant quote from motivational speaker and self-help author Wayne Dyer about the relationship between success and money. Dyer said that, “Successful people make money. It’s not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.” So there, I believe what Dyer has said puts better perspective and reinforcement that there is nothing wrong with putting financial wealth as a determining factor to your success status.

But, we also have to admit that inviting financial success into our lives is not an easy feat to come by. There are a lot factors that can either simplify or hinder money to come into your life. Some you can control, some you cannot. However, it does not go to say that it is not possible. As with anything in life, there is always a way. But how?

The Habits to Make You Financially Happy

In this Forbes article, it highlighted nine (9) habits that can make you happy. Take note on the keyword “habits”. Now, we all know that NLP is a powerful tool that can enrich your life and come up successful (in this case, becoming financially stable and independent) by way of altering and replacing negative behavioral and thoughts patterns and habits with new and more positive ones.

Out of the nine habits that were mentioned, three stood out to be so in sync with what NLP teaches about achieving financial success. But before we proceed, it must be clear that NLP is not a get rich quick system that will turn you into a multi-million mogul in instant while sleeping. No, that is not what NLP is about. Rather, it is about providing you access to the abundance of wealth building and moneymaking resources.

Shift the Way You Think

The Forbes article indicated that in order to become wealthy, you have to reverse your thinking. It requires the change in mindset how you spend and save your money. But more than that, NLP takes it to a different level. Reverse thinking means that you also have to change how you view money and financial wealth. It involves eliminating limited beliefs that are the roadblocks to achieve your financial goals and desires. There should also be a shift in the mindset that attaining financial independence is possible because, as taught in NLP, you already have all the resources that you need to meet your end goal.

Dreaming and Goal Setting

Secondly, the article also tackled about setting up your financial goals and staying motivated to reach it. One of the four-pillars to success in NLP is Outcome Thinking. It is about knowing first what you want and imagining yourself achieving your goals as if it has already happened. This positive imagery is a vital tool used in NLP, which allows you to identify the necessary concrete steps that you need to take to actually attain the goals you have set forth. It is all about the power of intent. This helps you to adhere to a behavior that will attract wealth into your life.

Think, Feel and Breathe Rich

Lastly, it highlighted that you should live like a “secret” rich person. It is not about living more than your means, but rather below your means. However, let us put it in a different perspective that is equally viable. This point can also mean the use of the power of positive affirmations. This means that you should claim that you ARE a rich person. This reframes your perspective and shatters any limiting beliefs that you may have. This makes it easy for you to imitate positive attributes from your success models. In addition, this also reflects that whatever you believe will be proven true.

Your Financial Wealth Personality and Profile

One of the key things about embarking your path towards financial wealth success is to know exactly where you are at this very moment. In our Jacky Lim NLP programs, we have incorporated the equally powerful tool called Wealth Spectrum Test, which was developed by Roger Hamilton. This tool helps you to discover which level of the wealth spectrum, as illustrated in the nine wealth colors, you currently are.

Are you at the bottom of the spectrum and The Victim of a financial rut or at the peak of the prism and The Legend of universal symbol of financial transformation? But more than that, wherever you are in the spectrum, the test will also provide you with the necessary steps you need to take to get to the next level.

On the other hand, another test that was developed by Hamilton called the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test will give you an idea which of the eight wealth roles best suits your profile to help you achieve financial success effortlessly. Know whether you are a Creator, Supporter, Mechanic or a Deal Breaker.


Achieving financial success is a process that involves commitment and dedication. To help you get on this path, take part in our NLP Practitioner Certification Program. It is a complete and recognized NLP practitioner program that will equip you with the proven strategies that will lead you to your path of financial wealth success, among many others. The program is integrated with the Wealth Dynamics Profile Test and Wealth Spectrum Test to provide you with a better understanding on how you can achieve your own financial success goals.

Or you can join us in one of the Jacky Lim NLP Sharing Sessions to learn how NLP can change your lives with success in every aspect of your life. Call us now to book the seat reserved just for you!

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