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Learn How to Let Go of Emotional Baggage Through NLP

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Experiences shape people into who they are. There are good and happy ones, but there are also those you would rather have not experienced. Unfortunately, such memories haunt people and establish behaviors that affect the way the person lives and even the people around them. Some people can easily cope and move on rather quickly. Others take years, while some never recover, changing the way they live and robbing them of opportunities that they could have easily taken had their heads been clear from any baggage when they came. Relationships can be destroyed and irrevocably lost because of just one incident. Fortunately, the mind can be reprogrammed to get rid of such affecting experiences or memories and that is where Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP comes in.

What is Emotional Baggage?

Simply put, emotional baggage would be the summation of all the bad or negative experiences you endured that you carry all throughout a lifetime. As the term metaphorically implies, it is the weight of the feelings you had about your past issues that you carry on your shoulders, affecting the way you view things and your relationships with the people around you. In most cases, this is short-lived. But for those who are not prepared for it, a longer period of carrying that weight can be the curse.

Emotional baggage does not come from romantic relationships only. In fact, every relationship you have had with someone carries its own emotional baggage, though the ones with significant others and immediate family are the most common. Other common sources of emotional baggage include being bullied as a child, big arguments with family members, and even the demise of a pet.

What are the negative effects of EB?

Extreme Fear and Anxiety

There are moments when your partner does something that immediately makes you feel uncomfortable and the anxiety level rises for no apparent reason. This can also translate into being overly suspicious of your partner’s fidelity and ultimately cause fights that could be completely unjustified.

The manifestation of this can be pretty ugly. You become clingy, wanting to be with your partner every second of your waking hour. Neediness gets the best of you and you just could not function without your partner beside you. And the ugliest would be your lack of respect for privacy. Nobody wants to feel distrusted and betrayed and the manifestations are surefire ways of losing a person who would've genuinely loved and cared for you.

Projecting Your Issues

We are sometimes not our biggest fan and when we project our worst fears on others, we tend to lose everything logical along the way. Like when you easily judge people that easily and you happen to thin that this is also being done by the other person in the relationship, you become extra defensive and try to “protect” yourself from the supposedly unwarranted judgment of the other. Most of the time, this projection goes undetected and it just strains an otherwise healthy relationship. There should be no room for negative feelings towards a partner, specially the illogical ones so it would be good to analyze the things that make you feel angry or anxious about your partner and analyze yourself as well.

Extreme Secrecy

For some people, the past is something they would forget. It could be about a wild relationship with a past lover, a family secret that is really shocking and humiliating, or a job that gave you a lot of terrible memories. Because of the gravity of these memories, the tendency is to forget them and keep them a secret from your partner. You are right to think that you do not want your partner to get involved anymore, but when the pain and all the other negative feelings continue to haunt you and affect your relationship in a negative way, you should talk about it with your partner and hope that the love that the two of you have for each other should be powerful enough to keep you guys together.

Goodbye Emotional Baggage, Welcome NLP

The powerful dynamics of the neurological, linguistic, and programming can help a person get rid of the damaging emotional baggage that you have. Below are some NLP methods that can rid you of that unwanted weight easily.

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The Mental Emotional Release Process (MER)

This process works with the premise that you can uncover the root cause of your emotional baggage from your unconscious and the memories it organized. A specific interview process is used to unearth them. Some are said to be significant to the client's mind while the others are not. What is interesting about this process is that the root cause happened before the birth of the client and this effectively substantiates the claim that emotional baggage can be passed on to the children of the parents via their DNA. To prove the theory, the clients asked their parents and grandparents about the events that created the baggage and was almost as always verified true by the ones concerned.

Cathartic Approaches

As the term implies, the cathartic approach releases the emotional baggage by purging the pent-up or repressed emotion that caused it. Similar techniques would include “psychodrama” that uses spontaneous dramatization, role-playing, and self-presentation to get insights on the cause at hand.

Usage of Insight and Self-Awareness

Exploring patterns and baggage, this approach uses useful models that allow us to understand our patterns to develop strategies based on the self-awareness to change our affected behavior.

NLP and Hypnotheraphy

The power of the conscious mind is harnessed with the use of imagery and metaphors. Such an approach makes it unnecessary to go through in great detail the childhood experiences in order to cause positive change. In essence, the approach aims to change the way our brain processes the information it receives.

No matter what technique is chosen, the important part is the conscious and greater understanding of the root of the baggage. By digging it out, the path to change shall be determined and the elimination of the cause becomes a possibility, something that shall make your life a lot easier to manage and live with the people in your surroundings.

It is always best to start fresh and release any emotional baggage that you have. If you want to feel revitalized to achieve breakthroughs in life, join me in one of my Jacky Lim Sharing Sessions. This two-hour intimate session provides you a glimpse how NLP can improve your life. Call us now or simply fill-out our inquiry form to BOOK THE SEAT reserved just for you!

Photo credit: Daniel E Lee via Foter.com / CC BY-ND

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