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Breaking Into Your New Year’s List

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Because it is the first month of the year, most people feel it is the best time to make major changes in their lives. Unfortunately, most resolutions that are formed from this inspiration often do not make it to the end of the year, falling off the bandwagon after a couple of months, with some even in a span of days. Enter Neuro-Linguistic Programming and its power to enable you to see through those resolutions for the year and beyond. To use NLP in helping you where you want to be, below are some tips that would allow you to achieve your life goals for all time.

Identify What You Want and Say It

I am pretty sure that you had goals in your life that you have been telling yourself to achieve but have gone down the drain. Losing weight, improvement in your career and even a new partner are some life goals that are difficult to achieve. Physically, they are not, but something always stops us from even starting which brings me to the first important point. As strange as it sounds, it is not the conscious mind that makes decisions for you. It is actually your unconscious that does it. And take this - the unconscious could not process negation. A clearer example is to take out the word “don't” in the sentence that says “I don't want to be lazy.” This thought process actually prevents you from getting closer to your goals because it sets you towards the opposite direction. Tendencies that make us focus on the problem is but natural for human beings to do. To counter this tendency, focus on what you want to do and not the other way around. That instead of saying you do not want to be lazy, say things like “I want to be productive.” Pairing what the conscious and subconscious can understand would holistically empower you and let you focus on your goals more effectively.

Think of How Achieving your Desired Outcome Affects You

Now that you are perfectly clear about what you would like to achieve, the next step is to think how this success will affect you. It is like reaching the finish line that is barely seen because of this thick smoke that surrounds it. You know you are going to win as soon as you touch it but because there is barely anything to see beyond it, you feel a certain amount of uncertainty before doing it. As trivial as it sounds, for some people, this feeling of uncertainty keeps them from moving forward because it gives them room to doubt the results of their hard work. Where doubt is created, failure is born. To counter such a scenario, the intended outcome should be refined to include the exact value that it shall give to the one pursuing the goal. That instead of just looking at the goal, determine the value that it shall give you and go for it with all your heart and soul.

Know Your Success Indicators

Your resolutions are normally the goals that you find hard to achieve without the right motivation for them. Working hard for their achievement should, therefore, have some indicators that you have finally succeeded. Like if your resolution is to lose weight, you have to know which part of your body loses weight first and which comes next. You can also add how you will feel once the pounds start shedding off. Think of how light you would feel or how the pain of going up the stairs vanishes. Of course, your clothes would start looking better on you, and with that may come the unsolicited comments that your clothes look big on you. This kind of mind framing can also be related to your work and career path. Imagine the gains and success, in every accomplishment that you have achieved. Unknowingly, you will slowly inch your way to your desired goals. The more complete the picture of success you have in your mind, the bigger chances of them happening in the future. Couple this with the cost that you have to pay to achieve your goals. No goal has been achieved without a price. By doing so, the equation for success is completed and you would have a better approach to achieving your resolutions.

Determine the Specifics of Your Desired Outcome

Now that getting to the goal is very clear the resolution would further benefit from putting the outcome in their proper context. For a better understanding of this statement, let's put it this way: A person yearns to increase his energy and become more lively. That desire seems fine and dandy but when the time comes that he needs to sleep at night, his extra bundle of energy can also be his biggest nightmare. It is similar to wanting to become more calm and relaxed but ending up lacking the energy for the important activities of your life like the crucial meetings at work. With the right context in mind, you would know the extent of the effect of your resolution which will afford you the right approach to make sure that your success fits your life the way it should.

Take into Consideration the Possible Fallout of Your Outcome

While resolutions are supposed to be the positive changes in your life, there is a big possibility that it will affect other areas and eventually make them suffer. A lot of people sacrifice sleep to be at the gym early in the morning and pump iron before going to work. This means the person needs to wake up earlier than usual, and of course, that affects another critical health area which in turn can create more health problems down the road. With the proper perspective, you are able to determine if your resolutions will really help improve your life or make it worse.

Make the Goals Fit Your Life

As we make our decisions, a lot of them affect the people we live with. This is not limited only to family and friends, but also your neighbors, colleagues, and other people who you might care about one way or the other. It would be wrong for your resolutions to affect them in a negative way and this can be avoided by integrating them into your plan for your resolution. Lifestyle changes will require a lot of modifications and cover the other areas of your life and include them in your plan would be the right approach for the success that you want to achieve. Make your new year’s goal work for you — be with your health, love-life, and even work-life. Let NLP help you achieve desired results and breakthrough. Call us now and join in one of Jacky Lim’s Sharing Sessions to learn NLP techniques towards excellence.

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