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Are You Losing Your Confidence? Here’s How You Can Get Your Swagger Back

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The field of sales – undeniably, it is a cutthroat business. It is a constant rat race to get ahead of everyone else in reaching mounting sales profit and financial success. It takes a steadfast spirit and an unwavering character to truly survive and come out triumphant every single competitive day. You are always in the pursuit of that decisive “yes”, because a single “no” could cost you a huge chunk of time, effort and profit.

Being a salesperson means that it is not enough to be good, you have to outstanding. It is about transforming yourself into that top-notch total package to be able to bag that coveted sales trophy, regardless whether you are selling products, people or ideas.

The Five Secrets of a Great Salesperson

I found this Forbes article worth sharing that listed down the five secrets of a great salesperson. It is relatively dated, but the insights in this article are definitely timeless. In a nutshell, it pointed out that an exceptional salesperson listens intently to his clients, has an honest, trustworthy and consistent character, is a team player and is courteous enough to make an effort to follow through. So that’s four secrets. What’s the fifth secret? Now that is what I want to highlight here.

They termed it appropriately to a tee and I love how they defined it spot on. It is all about the “swagger ”. A brilliant salesperson has, as the article puts it, an “internal confidence that never wavers” that does not border on arrogance. It is a magnetic quality that has the ability to draw, pull and attract people. After all, English literary writer Samuel Johnson once said that, “Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.

The Wavering Confidence

However, I challenge what the article said that the swagger is not a learned behavior. As you may know, any behavior or thought pattern can be unlearned, learned or relearned with the use of NLP techniques. For some, confidence is an innate quality that just comes out effortlessly. But for others, it is a trait that needs to be developed and even has to be overcome. Negative perception, critics, doubts and fears are the stumbling blocks that can deter for self-confidence to soar through.

And in the field of sales, a slight crack in the voice, a thumping heartbeat and nervous butterflies are deterring factors that could cost you a sales deal. It is not uncommon that we are sometimes confronted with certain life situations where we struggle with confidence from time to time. Do not worry, it is all but normal. But when it comes to proving your worth in field of selling, there is no room for uncertainty or doubt in sealing a transaction. Because, the lack of self-assurance will ultimately reveal itself.

How Confidence Works

However on the flipside, there are moments in our lives that confidence seem to seamlessly kick into high gear. And the good thing with confidence is that it is essentially a feeling. Just with any feeling, it can be reproduced at any given time. Using of course some of the techniques we teach in Jacky Lim NLP courses.

So why is there a polarity in confidence? This is because self-confidence is powered by life experiences that are treated as either positive or negative fuel on how you respond to certain similar life situations.

Take this scenario, for example. In a past experience where you met a high-profiled individual, how did the encounter play out? If the past situation resulted in a positive outcome, this creates a positive memory that creates favorable emotions, which in turn foster affirmative neuro-psychological effects. This pattern produces confidence that is then generated whenever you encounter similar situations.

On the other hand, when the past encounter resulted in a discouraging scenario, this creates a negative memory, which makes a ripple-effect on your memory, emotions and neuro-psychological effects. And, you guessed it, the lack of self-confidence happens.

But, the good thing is that the mind is a bank of memories. There is bound to be a positive memory or two that can ignite your confidence. All it takes is a vivid imagination to get back your mojo when you feel like you have lost it.

NLP Anchors Instant Confidence Boost

Anchoring is one of the very many techniques in NLP that has proven to be useful in a number of life struggles that hinder you from achieving excellence or success in any aspect. It is a thought process where an anchor or external stimulus is paired with an internal response.  Your anchor can be just about anything – from a gesture, a smell or an image, that will help you trigger or activate a mental response at will.

This is extremely useful for those in the field of sales because you know that you have to have to boost your swagger. And not only that, it comes in handy to help trigger a positive anchor of the products, people or ideas that you are trying to sell to your clients. You have to make their encounter with you as positive and as fruitful as possible to make an lasting impression of what you are selling. And the best way to really achieve this is to have that self-assurance in how you present yourself that comes with being confident.

We have mentioned earlier that confidence is fueled with past life experiences. Anchoring technique begins with going back to pick out a specific memory in your life where you have felt the most confidence in your life. Vividly recall and play out the scenario. Relish on those positive emotions and sensations, as soon as you feel them at its highest anchor it with a gesture. The most common anchor gestures are by pressing two fingers or rubbing an earlobe. Use this anchor whenever you need to gain access to a “lost” confidence and bring back your swagger when in a client call or sales meeting.

Anchoring is only but one of the many other NLP techniques that can help you instantly boost a flickering confidence. Also, remember to pair this inner confidence with a powerful body language. NLP will teach you that body gesture play an important role in making you look more confident whenever you are communicating with other people.

How to Get Your Confidence Back for Free

There are a number of Internet memes that say that “Confidence is not for sale.” True, because it is a feeling that you can easily find within you. You just got to know how to access it and use it right. And when you are in the field of sales, you know that you should take advantage of anything that is free.

And here is another free opportunity you can grab that can make you an A-list salesperson, join us in one of Jacky Lim’s NLP Sharing Session so you will be able to learn Anchoring and the other NLP techniques to help you boost your confidence instantly. This intimate 2-hour session with Singapore NLP Trainer Jacky Lim will make that huge difference in reaching those seemingly unreachable sales quotas and target with a steady flow of self-confidence. Call us now to save the seat reserved just for you!

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